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Somewhere Different

I have visited many countries in the past 10 years and February 2018 was my first visit to the country of Sri Lanka. My blog begins with an account of an evening in Tissamaharama. Tissa is an ideal area to stay when visiting the parks Yala and Bundala and I think the wildlife on this lake is very special too!

The sun still shone when our boat man collected us from the wall by the side of the lake. A bit early to see the bat roots we thought but not to worry…he had a plan . A very good plan. And that was to see all of the lake. Herons fishing at the water’s edge, herons asleep on branches and beautiful jacanas, tails blowing in the breeze balancing on rafts of lilies.

No crocodiles today. A lone fisherman skillfully cast his net and the water spray glittered and flashed in the setting sun. We headed across the lake where birds were returning from their feeding grounds. The bats were still sleeping ibis sat high in the branches. Cormorants chose spaces on the lower boughs and the egrets chose a tree all to themselves. The bats hung tight but eventually gave up their places to the birds and on silent sweeping wings they glided away in search of fruit for their night feasting

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